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Mental Health & Stigma

There are still attitudes within most societies that view symptoms of mental health problems as threatening and uncomfortable, and these attitudes frequently foster stigma and discrimination towards people with them. Such reactions are common when people are brave enough to admit they have a mental health problem, and they can often lead on to various forms of exclusion or discrimination – either within social circles or within the workplace.

This one and a half-hour training will raise awareness of stigma and mental health, identify common misconceptions about mental health problems, discuss the impact of stigma on communities, and identify ways to reduce stigma and discrimination therein.

Training Details:

Date: Friday, October 9th, 2020

Time: 10am – 11:30am

Location: Zoom (Attendees will receive a link to join the training 30 minutes prior to the training beginning)

CEUs: 1.5 (Available upon request)

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stigma-mental-health-tickets-123028721217

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