Our Donors

Thank you our donors who support Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana.

A strong network of community support is critical for Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana (MHANI) to identify and serve the mental health needs of our community.

Our programs receive funding from a wide variety of sources, but individual donations remain the most important way to make sure MHANI is responsive to our community’s needs. Your support helps us offer programming that directly benefits our community. Your support fills the gaps, allowing us to provide the best services possible.

Mental Health America in Northeast Indiana

Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana (MHANI) is grateful for the generous support from foundations and donors. Without their financial support, MHANI would not be able to serve individuals who are struggling with personal crisis, mental illness, substance abuse, and developmental disability.

Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana Funders

The AWS Foundation

Bowker Foundation

Council on Senior Services

Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne

English Bonter Mitchell Foundation


Indiana Arts Commission

Indiana Humanities Action Grant

Indiana Office of Court Services

The Journal Gazette Foundation

The Lutheran Foundation

M.E. Raker Foundation

Parkview Community Health Improvement

The PHP Foundation

PNC Charitable Trusts

St. Joseph Community Health Foundation

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)

Wilson Foundation

Impact funds

Amazon Smile


Network For Good

Event Sponsors

3Rivers Federal Credit Union

Beers Mallers Attorneys at Law

Bowen Health


General Petroleum

Old National Bank

Physicians Health Plan, Inc. (PHP)

Professional Emergency Physicians, Inc. (PEP)

Strahm Building Solutions

Organizational Donors

9th Street Brew

Allen Superior Court

Amstutz Insurance of Ossian

Armstrong Flowers

Black Forest Cat Café

BND Commerical

Bowker Foundation

Crazy Pinz

Cross Community Church

DeBrand Fine Chocolates

Eric and Mary Baade Charitable TUA

Fast Print, Inc.

Fort Wayne Komets

Fort Wayne Metals

Fort Wayne Tincaps

Fort Wayne Zoo

Indianapolis Colts

Indiana Pacers

The James Foundation

JJ Java

Kilwins Chocolates, Fudge, and Ice Cream

L.I.F.E. Inc.

Locked Up Escape Room

Marcia A. Futter Charitable Fund

Midwest Pipe & Steel

Multimatic Indiana Inc.

Oh Five Scoop Shop

Parkview Health

Penny Drip

Perks Peak

Purdue Fort Wayne

Putt-Putt Fun Center

Saint Joseph Community Foundation


Sassie Cakes

Science Central

Shaka Shack

Trifecta Wellness

United Arts and Education

United Way of Allen County

Our Partners & Affiliations

MHANI is fortunate to collaborate with a number of community organizations. These partnerships help our programs further our impact in improving the mental health in Northeast Indiana.

Affiliations & Memberships

Northeast Indiana Disability Advocacy Council