May is Mental Health Awareness Month

During May, Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana (MHANI) will provide a steady stream of mental health information, events and activities designed to teach our community about mental health.
Follow along to stay up to date!
Mental health resources are available.
We understand that it’s often hard to know what resources you can access when you or someone you care about needs help. Throughout the month, we will add resources below that are available to help you or someone you care about.
- Search for therapists on PsychologyToday
- Talk to a counselor 24/7 at Be Well Indiana
- Take a free, anonymous mental health screen
- Discover service providers near you at LookUp Indiana
What’s Going On in May
MHANI will be busy during Mental Health Awareness Month! We will be:
- Hosting a month-long Coffee Crawl with local coffeeshops
- Hosting weekly giveaways for Coffee Crawl participants
- Featuring mental health resources/education on our social media platforms
- Providing a free workshops around the community covering various mental health topics
- Opening the Art of Hope Call for Entry 2024

How You Can Help
Your gift makes a difference.
Your contribution is crucial for MHANI to continue to provide high quality mental health education opportunities within your community. As a nonprofit, our mission is only possible through your generosity. Thank you for supporting the growth of mental health knowledge in Northeast Indiana.
Your gift makes trainings like these possible: